Sunday, July 20, 2008

words i thought i'd never hear!

so today i finally got to talk to tim... eventhough where he is the phone situation isnt so awesome we have the internet so we are chatting on yahoo... anyway if you refer back to the "realizations" post you will notice when discussing how tim felt about pregnancy i used the word "think" a lot... well today in our conversation, although i was apprehensive about it, i casually (lol) asked the inevitable question "so are we gonna try when you come home?" the answer i got was the usual "maybe"... so i said to him "look i really want your opinion on this, this is not only affecting me" and he replied a response that took me by suprise "yes, we can try" so as i got excited i started thinkin maybe he was just making me happy so i said "really" and he replied "yep" and then i asked him if he was sure and if he actually wanted a baby and he said "yes, i really do, i want to try" and i got so elated lol... sorry about all that dialogue! so we discussed it and he said he would start prayin about it and when he gets home thats what we will do... try :)!

So this got me thinking.... maybe i havent been able to in the past because God knew tim wasnt ready... so with all the prayers i have been sending his way lately, i am thinking this might be his way of telling me our time is coming... i am so happy and so ready to do this!! so keep tim and i in your prayers!!!

well another long day has passed and i am now at 15 days and a wake up before my love is home :)!!!

hope everyone is doing well i will post again soon!

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