Thursday, July 17, 2008


well today was another lovely adventure to the pool with the little ones.... and by adventure i mean all day besides lunch time when we went to see nicole and when got a bite to eat for is now 11:00 and we JUST got done with our post pool showers.

My hair is currently green... yes GREEN! apparently swimming for at least 4 hours a day everyday in an abundance of chlorine isnt so good for highlights! ah well ill get it fixed before tim gets home hehe :)

The good news is i FINALLY got in touch with my doctor after an all out phone battle with appointment services yesterday (side note: military insurance, while free, totally SUCKS)... anyway he is ordering more labs and possibly increasing my synthroid (thyroid meds) dose.. which will increase my chances of ovulation so keep me in your prayers for that :)!

I heard from tim today... they made it to the other part of the island fine... and he send me a short message letting me know they are still trying to get phones but he does have the internet so thats a relief!

well im exausted and need to get these kiddos to bed, as soon as they help me clean the kitchen ;)! goodnight!

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