Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back to Reality...

Well its back to reality... and by reality I mean back to realizing I actually live in Mississippi lol... Yep, the nephews, dogs and I made it back in one piece! While it's great to be home and in my own element i wish home was still in texas :(! Everytime i go home i realize how much I miss my family and friends... My neices are growing so fast and my brothers and sister's lives are changing so much it's hard to keep up! At least I have my nephews for the summer to keep me company... they are so awesome... shane (9) makes me laugh histerically and justin (6) is my little helper!!!

Unfortunately, while I was home I found out an old friend of mine, who aside from myspace, I haven't spoken to in couple years, passed away a couple of weeks ago... it hit me pretty hard, being that he is so young, and also that I didn't even hear about this until now so i missed the funeral and the benefit... He was an awesome and HALLARIOUS guy... he will surely be missed! RIP John Jr.

So on that note I will give you my thought for this wonderful day...

Life passes us by so quickly... so why regret the past? why hold grudges? why live life sulking because of things you can not change? Embrace what you have today, because you never know if it will be there tomorrow! Love those you love like they won't be here tomorrow... that way when the time comes for them to leave this world you will have no regrets... and you can rest assured they knew they were loved by you...

And just a little update on tim... they finished their roofing project EARLY :) which will look awesome on my hubbies eval since he is the job sup! But he couldnt have done it without his crew... so good jobs fellas! They will be moving about an hour from where they are now to start their next project and guess what... he will be home in about 19 days :)!!!!!!!!!! im ecstatic!

well i hope all is well with everyone.... i will post again soon! love ya!

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