Sunday, July 13, 2008

Becoming a "blogger"

Well this is my very first blog! I was planning on introducing myself and talking all about my life here but you can find all of that out in the About me section of my profile if you so choose :)!

Well aside from the wonderful world of myspace I have never blogged... however, i find it an interesting way to let off steam! so i have decided to become a blogger... and i sure hope i can keep you interested lol.

So as i sit here with a million thoughts scrounging my mind, one in particular has stuck out in my mind. Why is that eventhough we can have a wonderful life... there is always something we aren't content with? Why is it that we can have next to everything we ever dreamed of and somehow we keep finding more things we want in life?!? I guess the reason I am feeling this way is because eventhough I have an amazing life with a wonderful husband, for the past year all i have thought about is having a baby... I know that every woman experiences this feeling at some point in life, but it is currently consuming me! We have had serious problems conceiving and i am starting to feel hopeless... I am almost positive that its my thyroid issue but i just cant seem to get it under control! I can't help but feel jealous everytime i hear about someone being pregnant and i know that's so selfish but all i can think is "why them, and not me"....

About a month ago my husband was home for a week and of course we tried with what little time we had... so today i took a test... invalid it said... apparently my pee isnt good enough lol... so i will try again in the morning with my fresh morning pee and see how that works out. I have gotten my hopes up so many times in the past that this time i tried and tried not to but the more i think about it of course the more i want to be preggo! So i think in the midst of all the hype today i had a realization....

Some of the things we want most in life, we have to be patient to get... we have to let God take control and let things happen when they are suppose to and trust that he knows what's best for us... so although my anxiousness remains at an all time high... I'm going to sleep easy tonight... pray and hope for the best but also pray that if things dont turn out the way i would like them to that God will give me the strength to keep trying and the strength to get through all this PATIENTLY!!

Well thats it for my very first blog... thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude i totally know what your going through...i have a thyriod problem and its killing me not being able to get preggers! i have a roomie who has 2 girls and it just sucks she can get preggo like its going outta style and she doesnt have a friend with benefits,bf or just kills me if for once it could just be me. So i understand where you are coming from and i wish you all the best of luck as they say....tons of sticky baby dust...keep your head up girlie!!!