Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Do you ever find yourself quietly relaxing somewhere and suddenly you just start thinking about life and all of these realizations pop into your mind as if they want to disturb the peacefulness that surrounds you?

Well that happend to me today... I was laying out, trying to get a tan, at the pool... and although most wouldn't call children splashing and screaming with laughter in the background exactly peaceful... it is my ideal place to be when i just want to get away from it all... There i was, in my lawn chair, sunglasses, bottle of water, whole nine yards when suddenly my mind started racing... and what other than my pregnancy issues to pop in my mind! So i layed there and thought about how much i wanted to get pregnant and how i didnt understand why it was so hard for me... basically sulking like a little winer about how unlucky i am... when suddenly I began to realize something very important...

Be content with what you have now... I have a wonderful family and a poop ton of people who love me that i love in return i am the last person that needs to be moping around as if the world is going to end because i dont have an expanding belly...

I am going to continue to pray and hope and have faith that our time will come... For a long time I wanted a baby so bad and tim really wasnt sure about it, but i think now that we are both on the same page and both taking healthy steps to better our chances, and both praying about it... i think our time is near!

Also, i just realized im about to pass out on this keyboard im soooo tired! so i will leave you with this!
Be content with the wonderful things you have in life... dont dwell on the things you want and can not have for that will only take your attention and love away from the things you do!!

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