Wednesday, July 23, 2008

bubbly solitude

its been a crazy few days... hence the reason i havent written! besides going to the pool everyday, i also came up with the awesome plan to rearrange and decorate my living room and bedroom... for some reason i thought it would all get done in one night HAHA! how funny i am! i started yesterday afternoon and i am now done tonight at 11! but it looks great and was well worth it!

but now that i have spent three days listening to kids scream... roasting in the sun... cleaning every 5 hours... and rearranging furniture that God knows i shouldnt move on my own, i decided to take a bubble bath... it was amazing, i had the music on, boys in bed and it was sooooo quiet for once!! i loved it!

update on tim... he will be home on august 5 TWELVE DAYS... YAY! and as of this saturday he will be able to start calling again.. he had a good bday and is doing awesome!

well i know this was short and i hope it was sweet... i will blog a better one soon!

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