Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's been a while!

So maybe I haven't written in what seems like a decade, but life has been a little hectic! So bare with me this will be kind of a long one!

In february Tim and I added a new family member to our lives, Lucy, she is a Siberian Husky and boy is she BEAUTIFUL... she was still in the awkward stage at 7 months when we got her but she is turning one this month and she is just gorgeous. We tossed around the idea of breeding but then just kind of quit thinking about it due to the fact that huskies are great but two of them AND lil puppy in an apartment EEK!

A month and a half ago Tim and I got fed up with apartment life and decided we would get a house... we searched and searched until we found the perfect place! Its a 3 bed/ 2 bath/ 2 car garage! I love it... the kitchen is HUGE! vaulted cielings archway leading the the hallway! its a beauty! we couldnt be happier!

Well now that we have a back yard Tim and I began discussing breeding again but this time we went through with it and 2 days ago we added another siberian husky to the family. His name is Spike (i wanted ricky but hey whose complainin!) he is black and white and has 2 piercing blue eyes. He is only 3 months old which is fine Lucy won't be ready to breed for a while yet! So now its me, tim and our 3 pups!

I applied to the Veterinary Technology program here in Fort Worth and got my official acceptance letter in the mail yesterday. I was ecstatic and immediately called my mom, who i wish would be more supportive... I know that she is kind of wrapped up in her licensing test coming up but i didnt even get a congrats... what i did get was,,, well they dont make very much, gee thanks! Yea they only start at about 36,000 but who cares... why cant it be ok for me to just do what i love! anyway i know she is just stressed!

Tim is playing softball with a team on base here... they arent very good lol, which could be because they drink beer in the dugout lol, but hey they have a great time! He is also going to school for his associates in Construction Technology so i am proud of him :).

The 4th of July is right around the cornor and I couldnt be more excited! We are going camping for the weekend with our friends Chad and Christine! We have made other friends here too, but Christine and Chad are the only other couple who dont have kids and we just kind of clicked with them. Christine is great and I am so glad I have found a friend in her, it helps me get through the times when i just want to pack up and move back to gulfport where i know people! Tiffany is one of the other wives and she is awesome, her and Donnie have a baby so they cant go out much but she is great to hang out with. All the guys that Tim works with are great and they are super laid back which is a nice change from battallion life!

Other than that life is just... well passing by! I hope everyone has an awesome 4th!!! have fun and be safe :)

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