Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lovin Texas!

Well we made it!!! We are now oficially Texans, Tim for the first time, but for me my heart has always been in Texas! I love it here in Fort Worth! We have been having so much fun together and just exploring the area... and its beautiful! Tim and I are planning on him finishing his two years that he has left and then settling in somewhere here in texas not sure where yet, but who cares as long as it's in texas! hehe!

The next couple months are going to be INSANELY jammed packed with to-do's!!! I am ready to face them all full force and mark them off one by one! Next weekend I will be venturing to Houston for a full weekend. My sis and I have big shopping plans... lots to decide on for the baby shower! Then on sunday the 8th I will be taking Alyssa (oldest neice) to see the Jonas Brothers, wow talk about one excited 12 year old, I think it may have been her best bday gift yet! Then on March 13 my BFF is coming to Fort Worth to visit and I cant wait to see her and her husband! We are sending Eli to the hockey game with tim while Shawnna and I do baby stuff (yes everyone is pregnant lol, except me lol). Then Dan and Carin will be coming home from Iraq and Tim is so excited to see his brother. Then in April I have my moms Graduation (getting her Masters in Nursing heck yea!) we are all so proud of her... the day after that is my sis baby shower! Finally in May we will get to meet little Robbie (Robert Chapman Black) I am sooooooo excited to meet him! See told ya it was a long list lol.

Other than that there really isnt much going on in my life... so i wont continue to bore you!!! look soon and i might have something interesting to say lol!

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