Saturday, July 4, 2009

Life's a beach...

Well our camping extravaganza that I was oh so excited about was a total BUST!! Let's just face it, I'm not the camping type, no shame! Sure I can handle four wheeling, muddin, fishing every now and then... but not camping. It started off great, we were STOKED about it! We got to Cedar Hill at about 2:00 and checked into our site and got everything unloaded. Christine and I immediately realized that it was SCORTCHING outside, but we tried our best (for about an hour) not to complain, lol that didn't last. We poured some drinks to cool off and just sat around chatting for a bit, which was fine. We had all three dogs with us as well as Chad and Christine's dog Chloe (aka Bonce Face) haha. Tim and I had bought a tie out for them so we could just tie them up and not worry. Well, DUMB OLE ME, decided we would give Lucy a chance to be untied while we were all just sitting around... umm that was my first mistake... she immediately took of gallopping through the woods as i chased her getting stickaboroughs all over me... this went on for about 15 minutes! Then we decided we would go swimming... we had to leave the pups because they werent allowed in the "designated swimming area", which was a JOKE! Tim, Chad and I got in the water... we quickly began to sink in MUD and MUCK, so we decided we would just go fishing... the guys fished for a while as Christine and I sat in the truck complaining to one another about the trip. Finally we headed back to the campsite (we were gone about an hour and a half) when we got there guess who was missing... RICKY (i got my way and changed his name hehe)!!! I began panicing wondering where he went... we searched and searched through the woods and finally went to the rangers and told them he was missing... they hadn't heard anything or seen him at all... i burst into tears!!! We drove around for a while looking and finally Christine called and said the park ranger came by and said they had found him... whew boy was i relieved! We got back to the campsite and we were all hungry so we grilled burgers and roasted weenies... which was followed by some card playing and SMORES! yummm... definately the best part ;)! We went and showered which was great since they had COlD water and i was sweating so bad! Then we went to bed! After Ricky's escape I was too afraid to leave the dogs tied up all night... so i hearded all three of them into the tent.... BAD IDEA... lil pup and Ricky did fine... Lucy however began panting uncontrollably and I soon realized it was way too hot for her... so I took her out tied her up and gave her some water... I got back into the tent and tried sleeping but i was hot, uncomfortable and worried about Lucy... she is an escape artist!! Tim finally got fed up and told me to take Lucy and Lil pup and go sleep in the truck with the AC on... FINE BY ME... I slept ok except for my random arm pain (which i still havent figured out). About 1:30 I got a knock at my window... Christine! I woke up and opened the door and she proceeded to tell me that ants had overtaken thier tent so they were sleeping in the truck... we came up with the plan that in the morning when the guys went fishing her and i would come home and bring the dogs back and hang out in the AC and get some sleep and then go back tonight for fireworks... well by morning ants had overtaken EVERYTHING! we were all fed up and decided to lose out on the 20 bucks and come home!

I am so happy to be inside in the AC with all three of my puppies safe! Tonight we will do more civilized events that we know we'll love... dinner and drinks... maybe fireworks!

It's funny how the things we get most excited for, never turn out how we planned... oh well we live and learn... Tim has come to learn and accept that his wife isnt a happy camper!

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