Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Again here I sit, wishing I was in bed but unable to go to sleep no matter how hard I try. I don't know if it's stress or my chaotic sleep/wake schedule, but something has got to give! Why is it that men can get into bed and as soon as thier head hits the pillow they're out, but women, our head hits the pillow and every thought in the world starts running through our head! It's times like this, and when I'm out without a bathroom near by, that I wish I were male... they have it so much easier than they think! I have finally stopped even trying, instead I sit up with a delicious glass of wine and watch Sex and The City or HGTV... wow what a combo lol!

On another, lighter, note Tim and I will hopefully be on our way to Texas Friday :)!! I am so excited.. so excited to see everyone... so excited for the holiday!! I can't wait to get home and spend time with my amazing sister... we have never been more close than we are now, and i am loving and cherishing every moment of it! Family has always been so important to me. I have always been pretty close with my brother who is closest in age to me but my older brother and sister have such a gap between us, relationships never seem to fit. I always looked up to my sister, she was always an inspiration to me, but we never clicked in the past. Now, that she is 33 and I'm 23 for some reason about 3 years ago it just clocked... it just happend! I am so thankful for my family, so thankful that they are my support system and i know no matter what... right or wrong... if i need them they're there! (sorry i know i went a little off track there)!

I wish everyone a happy holiday... i will try to blog again soon! <3>

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