Tuesday, August 26, 2008

sleep is for the weak!

i have been awake since about 8 this morning and its now almost midnight... i went to bed at 10 with my hubby with the honest intentions of getting some sleep... obviously that didnt happen! I layed there and stared into space as my mind raced about a million miles a minute, finally, i gave up and decided to blog out my agression! This no sleep thing is becoming a habit... i cant seem to sleep at night, its almost as if my body thinks its absolutly halarious! So i have decided to make myself feel better by telling myself... "sleep is for the weak"! Maybe that will work? maybe not? guess we will see lol!

Yesterday I finally got tired of just staying home all day and cleaning or watching tv... i got to the point where i felt as if i merely existed in the world and like i was serving no purpose! My original plan was to take this fall off, off work and off school, since we are moving in 3 months, well... i couldnt take it anymore. So yesterday I went to Kelly Services to try and get on with the school district as a sub and i have an interview next wednesday :) i am super excited so keep your fingers crossed and me in your prayers! It would be an awesome job, monday through friday 8-4 and you dont have to work if you dont want to... however, this could be bad for me to get used to lol!

In the midst of all of this crazyness, i started to think, which really is never good with me. I felt as if i was merely existing so getting a job was the solution... but then what purpose would i be serving?? It doesnt seem like it would change my outlook much except that maybe i wouldnt be bored... So now i just cant wait to go back to school get my degree and start doing something that might make a difference in a childs life!

Well, i am going to try yet again to get some sleep... if anyone has any suggestions on help sleeping without pills let me know! lol! love you all!

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