Saturday, August 23, 2008

happiness & misery

well having my husband home has been amazing... we haven't done much, spent time with family and just been hanging out together at home... but none the less its been absolutely amazing! However, it never seems that you can been overwhelming happy without having something come along that brings you down. Last week my mouth start hurting, i knew it had something to do with these darn wisdom teeth, and it just intensified monday and tuesday until finally on wednesday morning i had tim come home from work and take me to the ER (my dental insurance doesnt kick in for 15 more days)... all i was expecting was some pain meds to get me by until the pain lessened or i could get in to the dentist... well they decided to send me to dental on base. Did i mention i am not a fan of military doctors?? So tim and i sat there for 3 1/2 hours waiting to get in as i was in excritiating pain. Finally i saw the doc and got an xray... turns out he says it was my top wisdom tooth had come in and was irritating my bottom gums so he pulled it... yep RIGHT THERE... it was crazy but the numbness felt amazing lol... however the doc is crazy and i am still in pain bc it is my BOTTOM one coming in... i am like a toothing baby... and hoping that it comes in soon so the pain will stop since i dont go to the dentist until october to get my other three cut out... this has all been so annoying because i have NEVER had teeth problems... i had one small cavity when i was younger thats it!

Well i have vented and im sure no one cared about my mouth lol... well i hope all is well with everyone!!

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