Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Again here I sit, wishing I was in bed but unable to go to sleep no matter how hard I try. I don't know if it's stress or my chaotic sleep/wake schedule, but something has got to give! Why is it that men can get into bed and as soon as thier head hits the pillow they're out, but women, our head hits the pillow and every thought in the world starts running through our head! It's times like this, and when I'm out without a bathroom near by, that I wish I were male... they have it so much easier than they think! I have finally stopped even trying, instead I sit up with a delicious glass of wine and watch Sex and The City or HGTV... wow what a combo lol!

On another, lighter, note Tim and I will hopefully be on our way to Texas Friday :)!! I am so excited.. so excited to see everyone... so excited for the holiday!! I can't wait to get home and spend time with my amazing sister... we have never been more close than we are now, and i am loving and cherishing every moment of it! Family has always been so important to me. I have always been pretty close with my brother who is closest in age to me but my older brother and sister have such a gap between us, relationships never seem to fit. I always looked up to my sister, she was always an inspiration to me, but we never clicked in the past. Now, that she is 33 and I'm 23 for some reason about 3 years ago it just clocked... it just happend! I am so thankful for my family, so thankful that they are my support system and i know no matter what... right or wrong... if i need them they're there! (sorry i know i went a little off track there)!

I wish everyone a happy holiday... i will try to blog again soon! <3>

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas!

Well it's that time of year again! The time of year where we all put ourselves on the back burner to think about others as well as the meaning of Christmas. It is amazing to me that 2008 is about to come to a close. In many ways it feels as if the year has just begun! As we enter the new year I can't help but recall all the pages I have added this year to my scrapbook of life! It has been an amazing year! Tim and I will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary soon and it feels like it's only the 1st! I guess that's a good thing :)!

Now for the update! Tim and I are doing great... we had the pleasure of venturing back home to Texas for what we thought would be a wonderful Thanksgiving! Unfortunately 2 days after Thanksgiving we had to take mom to the hospital! Apparently her heart had gone into AFib (in other words beating crazily) for no reason! Luckily after an ecg and stress test they discovered her heart would be ok, however, she was disgnosed with Diabetes... she took it very hard! How could the most health concious person I know have something to this degree wrong?!? We all know mom will learn to live with this and will take care of herself and will probably only have to be on a pill and never insulin... but it got me thinking! Having already been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, this new family diagnosis just hit me with one more predisposition to contracting Diabetes... not good! So I will put it out there for the world so that I have no choice but to keep my word... My New Years resolution is to lose 40lbs! I know I can do it... but i appreciate any support!!!

After that shocking weekend... Tim and I headed to Fort Worth for a couple days to look at housing. I was ecstatic! I had never been to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and it was just one more part of my home state that I couldnt wait to explore! We stayed with some friends already stationed there and spent the two days apartment searching and eating a yummy resturants! I LOVED the area and to my amazment so did my Minnesotan husband :)! Fort Worth has this unique old small town feel to it eventhough its a big city! Tim and I found a very nice place and put our deposit down and will be moving in on January 15!!! We are right in between all the shopping and resturant and only 10 minutes from the Stockyards and Base... but the apartment is nestled in a nice shady quiet street! Oh and it has a Wood Burning Fire Place :)!! I can not wait!

I recently stopped working as a substitute teacher, i love it but it was time for me to stop so that i could get everything ready for the big move! Who knew it would be this difficult! Tim is still with 74, we detach on January 9th so we are also dealing with getting all the Navy check off lists taken care of! We are leaving December 22-29 to spend Christmas in Texas... I'm so happy! So really we only have about 2 weeks of time left here in MS!

Well I want to wish each and every one of you a VERY Merry Christmas and a Wonderful 2009!